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Under Cover of Darkness

The exhibition Under Cover of Darkness aims to highlight the experience of colonial subjects through a specific focus on the lives of three women – ‘Susanna of Bengal’, Krotoa and an as yet unidentified other  – by intervening in the Slave Lodge, a symbolically laden site. The exhibition further seeks to surface questions concerning how such histories continue to bear on the present.

‘Susanna of Bengal ’ was a slave who worked in the Company’s Gardens – in 1669 she was tried and sentenced to death by the colonial administration for the purported murder of her infant daughter under uncertain circumstances.

Krotoa – niece of Autshumao, a Khoi leader – was taken into van Riebeeck’s household as a child. Having learnt to master both Dutch and Portugese, Kratoa’s intimate understanding of both Khoikhoi and Dutch culture saw her occupy a complex social and political position under colonial rule.

A number of slave woman were held at the Lodge yet many of them remain unnamed. Little more is known than where they came from and when they died; this exhibition will engage with issues of such invisibility.

Exhibition Type:
Past Exhibition
Media Enquiries:

Zikhona Jafta
Tel: +27 (0)21 481 3862
Fax: +27 (0)21 461 9620
Switchboard: +27 (0) 21 481 3800

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Exhibitions & Events

Inside Iziko

Iziko Museums


Dear Visitors,


Please note that all Iziko Museums will be closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 and

will reopen to the public on Thursday, 26 December 2024.


Additionally,  Iziko Bertram House and Iziko Koopmans De Wet will remain closed on Thursday,   

26 December 2024.


Wishing you peace and joy over the festive season.


Thank you

Iziko Management 

Dear Visitor

Please be advised that the Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum will be closed on Thursday, 01 August 2024 due to a power maintenance affecting the entire area.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Iziko Management

Dear Visitor 


Iziko Museums’ Winter Operating Hours Update. 


Please be advised that the weekend(SAT and SUN) operating hours have been adjusted. 

The museums will open operate from 08h30 to 16h00 on weekends during winter.


Saturdays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium, Iziko South African National Gallery, 

Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum and Iziko Slave Lodge. 


Sundays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium and Iziko South African National Gallery. 


By order 

Iziko Management. 

Iziko South African National Gallery

Dear Visitors,

Please note that the Iziko South African National Gallery is closed to the public today, 18 December 2024, for maintenance.

It will reopen on Thursday, 19 December 2024

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Iziko Management