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#BeatTheHeat and CELEBRATE SUMMER at Iziko Museums of South Africa!

Iziko Museums of South Africa

For more information or general enquiries, please contact:

Zikhona Jafta 021 481 3838 or email


As the summer season is drawing to a close, Iziko Museums of South Africa is inviting you step back in time and #BeatTheHeat! Experience the rich history, art and culture of South Africa at any of the 11 Iziko museums.


Explorers both young and bold are invited to step indoors and learn about over one million specimens of scientific importance housed at the Iziko South African Museum. Connect with humanity’s shared heritage and discover how we are all one in Origins of Early Sapien’s Behaviour – Mother Africa Welcome Home. Be amazed by rock art dating back millions of years, and learn about how Africa’s ancient civilisations were able to survive. Go on a voyage to the Antarctic! Examine the history, discoveries, and current role of South Africa’s Antarctic and Southern Ocean exploration in Sentinels of the South.




The Iziko Planetarium and Digital Dome offers visitors an experience unlike any other in South Africa, let alone the continent. Experience unparalleled animation and 360⁰ cinema this summer – where virtual voyages of the Universe are made possible every day. Shows like Passport to the Universe, We Are Stars and Out there – the Quest for Extrasolar Worlds will keep you coming back for more! Shows are available daily from Tuesdays to Sundays, and on Wednesday evenings.




Three exhibitions on show at the Iziko South African National Gallery provide something unique for all art enthusiasts. Matereality highlights how contemporary artists from Africa are using certain materials to explore their practice and challenge traditional notions around what materials are suited to art-making. Drawing from the Collection comprises of works by both unknown and prominent visual artists working in different styles – stretching across time and place to provide an overview of drawing as a medium. And the 2019 Standard Bank Young Artist award winner for Visual Art, Gabrielle Goliath’s This song is for… comes as an immersive audio and visual installation, and gives song to the lived experiences of rape survivors.





Reflect on the origins of our roots at the Iziko Slave Lodge and uncover our history – from the lives of Ancient Egyptians with KEMET: Life in Ancient Egypt, to the extraordinary story of Unshackled History: The Wreck of the Slave Ship, São José, 1794; and learn about the experience of colonial subjects through a specific focus on the lives of three women in Under Cover of Darkness. Delve into stories at the Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum, where the narratives of Cape Town’s slaves, after their emancipation, are told. Unravel story of the family who lived in the museum before the forced removals of the 1970s in The Effendis of 71 Wale Street, Bo Kaap.



#BeatTheHeat and find a cool place to explore! Celebrate summer and visit Iziko Museums for a journey of discovery full of adventure, reflection and learning.



Issued by: Ellen Agnew
Communications Coordinator: Iziko Museums of South Africa
Telephone: 021 481 3830
Issued on behalf of the Office of the CEO, Iziko Museums of South Africa


About Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko)

Iziko operates 11 national museums, the Planetarium and Digital Dome, the Social History Centre and three collection‑specific libraries in Cape Town.  The museums that make up Iziko have their own history and character, presenting extensive art, social and natural history collections that reflect our diverse African heritage.  Iziko is a public entity and public benefit organisation that brings together these museums under a single governance and leadership structure.  The organisation allows *free access to all individuals on commemorative days, (*excluding the Castle of Good Hope, Groot Constantia and Planetarium and Digital Dome). Visit our webpage at, join our online community on Facebook (, Instagram (@izikomuseumssa) or follow us on Twitter (@Iziko_Museums) for regular updates on events, news and new exhibitions.

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Exhibitions & Events

Inside Iziko

Iziko Museums


Dear Visitors,


Please note that all Iziko Museums will be closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 and

will reopen to the public on Thursday, 26 December 2024.


Additionally,  Iziko Bertram House and Iziko Koopmans De Wet will remain closed on Thursday,   

26 December 2024.


Wishing you peace and joy over the festive season.


Thank you

Iziko Management 

Dear Visitor

Please be advised that the Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum will be closed on Thursday, 01 August 2024 due to a power maintenance affecting the entire area.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Iziko Management

Dear Visitor 


Iziko Museums’ Winter Operating Hours Update. 


Please be advised that the weekend(SAT and SUN) operating hours have been adjusted. 

The museums will open operate from 08h30 to 16h00 on weekends during winter.


Saturdays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium, Iziko South African National Gallery, 

Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum and Iziko Slave Lodge. 


Sundays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium and Iziko South African National Gallery. 


By order 

Iziko Management. 

Iziko South African National Gallery

Dear Visitors,

Please note that the Iziko South African National Gallery is closed to the public today, 18 December 2024, for maintenance.

It will reopen on Thursday, 19 December 2024

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Iziko Management