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School’ s cool @Iziko


Calling all Educators! Iziko’s many collections bring learning to life with highly visual, and often engaging displays and experiences. A visit to the museum is an immersive learning exploration. Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Art come alive during museum lessons. The school programmes are directly aligned to the national CAPS curriculum and includes visual art, natural history and social history education from pre-primary to high school level and beyond. Museum Educators provide age-appropriate learning engagements for ECD, GET, FET and HE programmes using exhibitions, objects and specimens to augment the classroom experience.   

Lessons at the Iziko Slave Lodge uncover our histories, exploring the impact of colonisation and slavery through the stories of Cape Town families with slave ancestry, the history of oppression, resistance and liberty. See the works of historic South African and international artists at the ISANG provides tangible reference for the visual art curriculum. Explore our living world and life sciences at the Iziko South African Museum or the wonders of the night sky at the Planetarium and Digital Dome. There’s so much more to explore.

High school learner in the exhibition, Singing Freedom: Music and the struggle against apartheid, at the Iziko Slave Lodge.

Learners in the Whale Well at the Iziko South African Museum during Marine Week.

Visit /education/admin/ for more information about how to book and what is possible, including the booking of Iziko’s mobile museum for learners who are not able to travel to the museum on site.

Iziko’s Education Department works closely with schools, communities and special interest groups to develop quality educational programmes and resources. These enriching and enabling education programmes include lessons, workshops, teacher enrichment programmes and educational projects, aimed at adding value to classroom practices, special needs activities and educational resources. School groups will also benefit from the guidance of our experienced Museum Educators who can present lessons in English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa. 

How to book

 Contact the Education Booking Assistant Ms Wardah Harris by phone 021 481 3823 or email

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Exhibitions & Events

Inside Iziko

Iziko Museums


Dear Visitors,


Please note that all Iziko Museums will be closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 and

will reopen to the public on Thursday, 26 December 2024.


Additionally,  Iziko Bertram House and Iziko Koopmans De Wet will remain closed on Thursday,   

26 December 2024.


Wishing you peace and joy over the festive season.


Thank you

Iziko Management 

Dear Visitor

Please be advised that the Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum will be closed on Thursday, 01 August 2024 due to a power maintenance affecting the entire area.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Iziko Management

Dear Visitor 


Iziko Museums’ Winter Operating Hours Update. 


Please be advised that the weekend(SAT and SUN) operating hours have been adjusted. 

The museums will open operate from 08h30 to 16h00 on weekends during winter.


Saturdays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium, Iziko South African National Gallery, 

Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum and Iziko Slave Lodge. 


Sundays from 08h30 to 16h00

Iziko South African Museum and Planetarium and Iziko South African National Gallery. 


By order 

Iziko Management. 

Iziko South African National Gallery

Dear Visitors,

Please note that the Iziko South African National Gallery is closed to the public today, 18 December 2024, for maintenance.

It will reopen on Thursday, 19 December 2024

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Iziko Management