Natural History
Iziko Museums has a vast natural history collection, which ranges from fossils to ancient insects and historical tools. This impressive collection is not only culturally enriching, but also ignites a spark of interest in learning more about the creatures with whom we share our planet.
Iziko’s Education Department works closely with schools, communities and special interest groups to develop quality educational programmes and resources. These enriching and enabling education programmes include art lessons, workshops, teacher enrichment programmes and educational projects, aimed at adding value to classroom practices, special needs activities and educational resources.
Many resources available here are linked to the CAPS curriculum to support, extend and add value to the South African schooling system. We encourage teachers to use these resources in the classroom setting where appropriate. Information on the learning area and grade level are provided for each school resource. Other resources are developed for all learners and the public as part of the commemoration of special days on the global and national museum calendar.
We invite you to download, enjoy and participate in the knowledge-rich practice of our wonderful museums. See below for a series of Natural History Education online exhibitions and resources!
Animal Power
What does Spider-Man share with a San shaman? Is Black Panther anything like the Impundulu? What do artefacts from our ancient communities, and the stories we grew up with, reveal about modern superheroes?
See the ANIMAL POWERS resource here

Iziko Museums of South Africa is the custodian of many South African artefacts, artworks and objects – including the Lydenburg Heads, which have global historical and cultural importance. These collections help us understand ourselves as humans in this part of the world by investigating the cultural aspects of our ancient communities. Though our technology has changed, many of our symbols and methods of storytelling have remained the same.